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Emergency Management

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The problem

Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. In the last five years WA has had some of its largest natural disasters on record.


Provide a collaborative platform to visualise and understand what is at risk within a location and potential impacts of a hazard. Ultimately enabling us to better plan for, prepare, and recover from emergencies.

emergency management

In partnership with

Learn more about our use cases

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    Infrastructure Projects and Assets

    Delivered in partnership with the Public Transport Authority, this use case will support the planning and development of major infrastructure projects in Western Australia. It will also facilate wider precinct planning.

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    Land Management

    Led by Landgate this use case will provide the ability for Government agencies to align and maintain their land and administrative boundaries in 4D. It will also provide a tool to analyse land use potential.

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    Digital Approvals Workflow

    Delivered in partnership with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, this use case will focus on streamlining the land development approval process in Western Australia.